Our Products
Many years ago, I represented one of the finest insurance companies in the history of the world. You can see this company’s log on football fields every Sunday on TV.
So why did I leave them and open my own company?
One day an elderly successful independent life agent asked me to lunch. He told me he had been watching my career and had an observation he wanted to discuss with me: He observed that I was spending my time and energy trying to convince people that my company was the strongest and safest way to complete their financial goals. He asked me if I really believed that. He asked what I did when someone did not fit the mold my company had in mind. He asked me to consider helping people find the right products and services even if they did not fit the mold I was being asked to get them to fit in.
Why not open my career to all the products and services in the industry instead of just one?
My company had strict underwriting rules that eliminated many people from being insured. My company only had a few annuity products and one disability income plan, a great term life plan if you one day wanted to convert to permanent insurance, but not the lowest price term plans. Safe annuities, but not the best performing safe annuities, higher cost accumulating life plans, but not the lowest cost final expense plans. Great health insurance plans, but not the lowest cost.
How much business was I losing due to my commitment to one company?
He said, Randy, why don’t you help your prospects and clients get what they need, and not what some company in New York wants them to have? He was right: Now, instead of representing one company, I represent my clients to all companies. It’s a better way of being true to my clients. I represent my clients now, and not the large immortal companies we have all grown to love.